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    Perfect example….Pastor Manning….
    About what this country is coming to….
    The EVIL that has beset itself upon this country.
    And….in NORTH CAROLINA….no less.
    ** SHOCKING ** …Pastor Manning….
    Absolutely SHOCKING.
    You should know….because North Carolina is your * home territory *.
    Where you grew up.
    And….correct me if I am wrong….BUT….
    North Carolina is supposed to be part of the ” Bible Belt “.
    God help us….. Pastor Manning…..
    If Joe Biden gets elected in November.
    Black Lives Matter will DESTROY our country.
    Please use all of your influence with our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Our country is in serious trouble.

  • Travis Kiker RESIGNED his seat on the school board. He was not currently a school teacher and he was not fired. The video was not the only post that Mr. Kiker posted. Several memes were posted that were of a racist nature.

  • When are people going to learn? Americans love their right to speak their mind. The First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech is one of the parts of the Bill of Rights we are most likely to cite. You don’t have freedom of speech everywhere. One place that often surprises many people where it doesn’t generally apply: Your workplace. Despite what many employees think, your rights to freedom of speech are fairly limited at work, and it’s often perfectly legal for an employer to take action against a worker for something they said or wrote. In addition, most states are “employment at will,” meaning that the company doesn’t need a reason to terminate your employment. Employment at will means that an employee can be terminated at any time without any reason (unless there is a prohibited form of discrimination). If people want to keep certain jobs then they need to be careful about what they put on social media and what they put out there online. The NFL had every right to fire Colin Kaepernick. Just like the Union County Public Schools Board of Education had every right to ask for the resignation of Travis Kiker. I hope the young people out there have learned from this. You are entitled to free speech and you are not entitled to a job. People have to take personal responsibility for their actions.

  • BLM is a left wing government funded org, just like some gov’t runned right wing militias to get chaos, division, and civil war going to bring down this nation
    Have yet to hear real solutions to problems w/ inner cities or the disgraceful courts and prison systems in this country
    The biggest drug dealers in the world are pharmaceutical companies, there is way more deaths from pharma than even close to street drugs
    1)end the war on drugs, its taken the 4th amendment away(take prohibition for ex.)
    2)end the state, local, and federal prisons from being able to make a profit per prisoner, the courts are a whole another topic that need a complete overhaul, they are violating basically all the other bill of rights
    3)make it mandatory to have dashcams, audio, gps, and body cams, and have all that data prepared immediately upon arrest or you can’t be booked. this cop said, citizen said is BS, cop will always win that battle, need evidence

  • Dear , Dr. Manning .

    On the white side of this issue at least – consider it a mental disorder.

    It’s near impossible to fix stupid !

    We still trust our children to these people. ? Now that’s insanity.