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  • Pastor Manning I think you are mistaken. The Deep State is hell-bent on getting rid of Trump, even contemplating a JFK style assassination. If Mueller had any evidence that Trump colluded with Putin and the Russians ; they would have gone for the jugular, he would have been tarred and feathered before sunset and lead out of town on a rail. I kid you not!
    The Democrats don’t care about the domestic and international repercussions of getting rid of Trump. Discretion being the better part of valor means nothing to them. Absolutely Nothing!! Look at the havoc they’ve created in cities lead by Democratic mayors with violent Communist groups financed by Soros and whoever else loathes Trump. Arson, murder and assault is the order of the day.

    This is evidenced by 24/7 slander of Trump by the Mockingbird Fake News media. Real news is seldom reported. Everything Orange Man does is bad, immoral & criminal, including waking up in the morning, the Kangaroo Court, Roger Stone was subjected to, just because he is a friend of Trump, and last but not least that travesty of an impeachment attempt which was not bi-partisan and where one Democrat refused to march in lock-step with the rest and voted against it.

    Mueller is no angel. He’s thick as thieves with the Democrat conspirators. He had no evidence that Trump conspired with the Russians and that shot his case down in flames. Mrs. Clinton even paid Christopher Steele an M-16 agent to compile a fake dossier of Trump’s dealings with the Russians. I’m sure you’re aware of that.

    You must take into account that if Trump were truly guilty, he would have fired Mueller when he had the chance. He didn’t. In true Trump style, he just gave him enough rope to hang himself.

    You yourself, should know what it’s like to be a marked man and be harassed and persecuted by an unjust, unGodly mob.